Web Hosting Comparison in kenya


web hosting comparison

With regards to propelling a website, there’s significantly more to comprehend than meets the eye – especially with regards to the cost. Between having it created, and in particular hosting it, you could wind up going through a great deal of cash on the off chance that you don’t do your exploration. Luckily, that is actually what we’ve accomplished for you.

The universe of web hosting expenses can get truly convoluted without a firm comprehension of what you’re paying for and why. Set forth plainly, when you’ve constructed a website, you’re going to need to put it some place, and that is the place web hosting comes in. You’ll pay a supplier to have your web page on their server, viably propelling your website onto the real web. Presently you simply need to make sense of how much it will cost.

Is it accurate to say that you are keen on propelling a website? Is it accurate to say that you are hoping to get a strong balance in the advanced field? audit the web hosting comparison underneath in kenya gave by Hostrina Kenya.

Web hosting cost in kenya – prices Compared 

Plan Details


KshPrice/ Year
    • Data Storage
    • Monthly Bandwidth
    • Sub Domains
    • Email Accounts
    • Free SSL
    • Online Support

Hostrina Kenya


Ksh1,450/ Year
  • 10GB
  • Unlimited
  • Unlimited
  • Unlimited
  • Yes
  • Yes

Kenya WebExperts


Ksh2,100/ Year
  • 30GB
  • 300GB
  • Unlimited
  • _
  • Yes
  • Yes



Ksh2,500/ Year
  • 25GB
  • 250GB
  • Unlimited
  • Unlimited
  • Yes
  • Yes



Ksh1,600/ Year
  • 2GB
  • Unlimited
  • Unlimited
  • Unlimited
  • Yes
  • Yes



Ksh2,000 / Year
  • 50GB
  • Unlimited
  • Unlimited
  • Unlimited
  • Yes
  • Yes

Interesting points When Picking Web Facilitating

1. Site Moves And Relocations Are Not In every case Free 


Imagine a scenario where you pick a web have just to find that you don’t care for it. Webpage move, otherwise called website relocation, permits you to move your site to another host.


Moving to another site comprises of moving the site’s records and databases, designing your site with the new host, and coordinating your space’s DNS to the new host. When you pick another site have, they can normally get you out with this procedure. The cost will rely upon the host you’re changing to, here at Hostrina Kenya we move your site for nothing.


2.Once Your Site Develops, Consider Changing Your Facilitating Plan 


Web facilitating suppliers offer distinctive facilitating types. On the off chance that you are simply beginning or have a low-traffic site, you ought to select in for shared web facilitating. It’s all that anyone could need to keep up and run your website(s). Notwithstanding, once your site(s) develops, it’s anything but difficult to relocate starting with one facilitating then onto the next or move up to progressively costly web facilitating.


Mutual web facilitating – Best for new sites and websites. All sites are put away on one physical facilitating server where they share server assets like stockpiling, data transmission, Slam and figuring power. In the event that your site doesn’t get a lot of traffic, this is the best spot to begin.