US DataCenter Migration (Həll olundu)
  • Üstünlük - Tənqidi
  • Təsiredici Server - Hostrina KE (Server 14)
  • Dear Customer,

    We want to inform you about an upcoming change in our US data center location - we will be moving from our current location to Steadfast's main building.

    The new location will allow us to deploy a better infrastructure, it will offer us more room to grow, and will have better access to on-site assistance.

    This will help us to deliver an overall better service.

    The migration process has already begun. We have already moved a lot of our network infrastructure to the new location in order to set up a fully functioning hosting environment. The next step is to migrate all cloud and VPS/KVM customers.

    The migration will begin Saturday (August 21st) 00:00 AM EST. The expected interruption of service will be anywhere between 6 and 24 hours.

    Note: customers on our cloud platform with accounts larger than 80GB will be moved in the days prior to Saturday. During the moving process, their websites will be available in read-only mode.

    Best Regards,
    Hostrina Support Staff

  • Tarix - 21/08/2021 06:00 - 22/08/2021 06:00
  • Son yenilənmə - 13/12/2021 17:42
Network Maintenance (Həll olundu)
  • Üstünlük - Orta
  • Təsiredici Server - Hostrina KE (Server 14)
  • Maintenance Scope:

    This maintenance is designed to replace the Layer3 routing devices that manage the network.

    Customer Impact:

    Due to the nature of the work there will be several periods of complete or partial unreachability onsite as we perform this maintenance.

    Thank you for your time and understanding regarding this matter.

    Best Regards,
    Support Staff

  • Tarix - 18/04/2021 11:14 - 19/04/2021 00:00
  • Son yenilənmə - 01/05/2021 11:17